To query the data, there are 4 ways:


In addition, for each request, we also support some parameters in the URL for the JSON format result: 

maxLevel :  indicate the entity level that will be serialized with the result in JSON format. Like Customer has info of Third and Vat. Third has info of Address and Country...


Level 1 : Customer

Level 2 : Vat and Third of Customer

Level 3 : Address and Country. And so on.

The higher the level is, the more information client gets but the less performance of request. The default level of the request is 1 if the URL doesn't specify the level.

isShowID: the communication between client and WINBOOKS REST API, ID can be useless in the case of the database being different, because ID has different values, so we use code instead. But in some specific cases like when object does not have the CODE, the ID is needed. The parameter IsShowID equals TRUE, it means the result also contains the ID from the database. The parameter IsShowID equals FALSE, it means the result does not contain ID. The default value of the IsShowID is TRUE.

All parameters above should be included after symbol '?' of the URL that follows the below example

{ REST API Host }   / app /  { Winbooks OM }   /   { Code }   /   Folder /   { FolderCode }?isShowId=true&maxLevel=3

A. Get All

Query all object rows existing in database.

a.  Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode } ? {parameter : optional}
Method : GET
Header :
     Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
     Accept : application/json

The below example will get all the customers of the PARFIWEB_DEMO folder:


Method : GET

Header : 

Authorization : Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St10nMW8y32Skn1fDtrahrgF04FHvphfTFiNCe036WNjxf9W3At366CP1CBUbavQJ_si4pD2Sv39OVWb3fsbFXuHzexYotYgYIYRER_9cOQsFKNOK5GmFcbG4ENAEAAIAAAAAo4sEGwhHdbCq0IMjbsBb1J5y4k0fK6_gI51WK6sEXsdFHScSghffuTb1k8PSt/....

Accept application/json

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Get All Customers

// Get All Customer            
EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARFIWEB_DEMO" );

If everything is valid, a successful response will return with status code 200 and the content of the response is the list of all customers in JSON format. Client could handle JSON string by itself or use WinbooksConverter tool for converting JSON string to Winbooks object.

B. Get By Code

Get single object by providing its code.

a. Using HTTP

URL :  { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OM } / { Code } / Folder/ { FolderCode } ? {parameter : optional}
Method : GET
Header :
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
    Accept : application/json

The example below will get the CUSTOMER with CODE "VLADIMIR" in folder "PARFIWEB_DEMO"


Method : GET

Header : 

Authorization : Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St10nMW8y32Skn1fDtrahrgF04FHvphfTFiNCe036WNjxf9W3At366CP1CBUbavQJ_si4pD2Sv39OVWb3fsbFXuHzexYotYgYIYRER_9cOQsFKNOK5GmFcbG4ENAEAAIAAAAAo4sEGwhHdbCq0IMjbsBb1J5y4k0fK6_gI51WK6sEXsdFHScSghffuTb1k8PSt/....


b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Get Customer By Code

EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARFIWEB_DEMO" );
folderRESTAPIDEMO.GetByCode<Customer>( "VLADIMIR" );

If everything is valid, a successful response will return with status code 200 and the content of the response is the customer "VLADIMIR" in JSON format. Client could handle JSON string by itself or use WinbooksConverter tool for converting JSON string to Winbooks object

C. Get By ID

a. Using HTTPs

 **The same as getting by code, just replace {Code} by ID value

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Get By ID

Customer CustomerWithId = folderPARFIWEB.GetById<Customer>( "79A2E56E-2BE7-4216-BA75-9F9400FB45BD" );

D. Get By Criteria

Get a list of objects matching some conditions.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }/ExecuteCriteria ? {parameter : optional}
Method : POST
Header :
    Authorization :  Bearer { access_token }
    Accept: application/json ( this indicates that client wants the result in json format)
    Content-type: application/json ( this indicates the content body of this request is in json format)
Body content : {criteria in json format }

**To transform criteria in JSON format, we call the method JsonCriteriaSerialize() in WinbooksDAO
Get Criteria in JSON format

ICriteria criteria = new CustomerDAO().CreateCriteria();
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsLocked, false ));
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsHidden, false ));
var stringCriteria = criteria.JsonCriteriaSerialize();

The criteria in JSON string will have a format like this:  

   "Alias": "this",
   "Association": {},
   "Conditions": [
       "Operator": 0,
       "PropertyName": "IsLocked",
       "OtherPropertyName": "",
       "Values": [
       "Operator": 0,
       "PropertyName": "IsHidden",
       "OtherPropertyName": "",
       "Values": [
   "ProjectionsList": [],
   "Orders": {},
   "Params": {},
   "FirstResult": -1,
   "MaxResult": -1

The example below will get the CUSTOMERS that are unlocked and active in folder "PARFIWEB_DEMO"


Method  : POST


Authorization : Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St ....

Accept application/json

Content application/json

Body content {"Alias":"this","Association":{},"Conditions":[{"Operator":0,"PropertyName":"IsLocked","OtherPropertyName":"","Values":[false]},{"Operator":0,"PropertyName":"IsHidden","OtherPropertyName":"","Values":[false]}],"ProjectionsList":[],"Orders":{},"Params":{},"FirstResult":-1,"MaxResult":-1}

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services 


ICriteria criteria = new CustomerDAO().CreateCriteria();
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsLocked, false ));
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsHidden, false ));
IList<Customer> customerCollection = folderPARFIWEB.GetFilterAll<Customer>(criteria);

E.Chunking data 

In some cases, the result is a big data with thousand objects inside. Process big data in one time will make API server slow down and also hard for client when getting result. So we need chunking data in multipart.

For doing this, we make a communication between client and API server. Everytime, the result is a big data, API will only process 100 object per times and return with extra header ContinuePath. Content of this header will make API know the next time client send request with this header, API will process next 100 of previous result. Keep doing this communication until we have a full result ( finished when client does not receive this header anymore)

Example :

we want getting a list object A with 2 level data inside. And an object A will have structure like this



So for each full object A, server need to process 15 objs inside. A request in API is limit process 100 objects . This mean at first request, the response  will have json string of 6 object A with full 2 layer( 6 *15 = 90 objects) , the 6th (we counting from 0) will only have 10 objects inside ( 1 object A + 7 object B + 2 object C) . The response content header will appear new header "ContinuePath”: “ 6|ListC[1] ”

For continue getting data, we making the second request, the same as the first one . Just add the header we just receive   " ContinuePath ”: “  6|ListC[1] ”

Then the result will be 5 objects remain in first request C2 … C6 of the 6th object A, and then the next 6 full object A from A[7] .. A[12] , the 13th will have 5 obj inside (1 object A + 4 object B). and the continue header will be “ContinuePath” : “13|ListB[3]

So, if the list result is a list 100 obj A in 2 layer, we need to make 15 request for getting whole data

Summary by steps 

Step 1First request for getting data

Request :



  Authorization : Bearer {access token}

  Accept : application/json

Response :

Response Header :

  ContinuePath: 6|ListC[1]

Response content :


Step 2 : Second request 

Request :



Authorization : Bearer {access token}

Accept : application/json

ContinuePath: 6|ListC[1]



ContinuePath: 13|ListB[3]



** As you can see, Id or code will always exist, so we could base on that to merge 2 result in unique json string

…. Keep continue until client no longer receive header ContinuePath

2. Insert Data and Update Data

To Insert and Update data we have 2 ways

* Standard json format: is available for all client, especially client not using our support library like Apis - light and easy to use
**Non-standard json format: is still in json format but have some additional special properties processed by our DAL or OM, this json is usually generated by our lib : Winbooks.Serializer . Suitable for client using our DAL and OM dll to perform complicated task

A. Insert Single Object

This function is used for inserting single data object in API

a. Using HTTP

URL: { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OM } / { Code } / Folder/ { FolderCode } 
Method : POST
Header : 
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
    Content-Type : application/json
Body content : {object in json format}


In .NET, for making body content, client could use WinbooksConverter 
Serialize by WinbooksConverter

// insert Customer
Customer newCustomer = new Customer();
newCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
newCustomer.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Memo = "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third = new Third();
newCustomer.Third.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Third.Name = "Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third.WebSite = "" ;
string jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromWinbooksObjectToJson(newCustomer, false );

And this is the result we'll include in the body content of request ,
non-standard json format

   "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "$isShowId": false,
   "TotalLevel": 2,
   "Code": "ALICE",
   "Version": 0,
   "Localized": {},
   "Third": {
     "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
     "TotalLevel": 1,
     "UpdatedProperties": [
     "UpdatedValues": [
       "Alice Wilder",
   "UpdatedTypes": [],
   "UpdatedProperties": [
   "UpdatedValues": [
     "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder",

or if client not using our serializer , we could make it more simple 
standard json

  "Code": "ALICE",
  "Memo": "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder",
         "Name":"Alice Wilder",

**Note : For standard json in single object,  json string could contain Id/code of object . If not contains, we will get id/code from url

             With multiple objects, each json member in json array must have id/code

If the request is successful, the result will be as below with status code 201.


b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Customer newCustomer = new Customer();
newCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
newCustomer.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Memo = "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third = new Third();
newCustomer.Third.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Third.Name = "Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third.WebSite = "" ;
bool isInsertSuccess = folderPARFIWEB.Insert<Customer>(newCustomer, 2 );

B. Insert List of Objects

This function is used to Insert or Update a list of objects.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }
Method : POST
Header :
   Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
   Content-Type : application/json
Body Content: { list of object need to be inserted in json format}

In .NET & C#, client could use WinbooksConverter to create the body content
Convert list of Winbooks objects to JSON

    foreach (var customerName in customerNames)
     Customer cust = new Customer();
     cust.Code = customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToUpper();
     cust.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
     cust.Memo = "this is the memo of " + customerName;
     cust.Third = new Third();
     cust.Third.Name = customerName;
     cust.Third.Code = customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToUpper();
     cust.Third.WebSite = "www." + customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToLower();
     // convert to json string
     var jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromListWinbooksOBjectToJson(lstCustomer, false );

If client not using our converter, standard json string will be like this
Standard json with multiple object

         "Memo":"this is the memo of cosmoshop",
                 "Name":"Cosmopolitan shop",
         "Memo":"this is the memo of melodie",
                 "Name":"Melodie shop",

**Note :With multiple objects, each json member in json array must have id/code

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Insert list Of Customers

for ( int i = 0; i < arrayStrings.Count(); i++)
     Customer cust = new Customer();
     cust.Code = arrayStrings[i];
     cust.IsGroupDeliveryAllowed = true ;
     cust.IsHidden = false ;
     cust.IsLocked = false ;
     cust.Third = new Third();
     cust.Third.Code = arrayStrings[i];
     cust.Third.Addresses = new List<Address>();
// Insert List of Customer
EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARIWEB_DEMO" );

C. Update single object

This function is used for updating single data object in API- update has the same structure with insert, just change Http verb "POST" into "PUT"

a. Using HTTP

URL: { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OM } / { Code } / Folder/ { FolderCode } 
Method : POST
Header : 
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
    Content-Type : application/json
Body content : {object in json format}

In .NET & C#, client could use WinbooksConverter to create the body content
Update single object

//cosmoCustomer is a result object customer we got from API
//now we modify it and send back to API
cosmoCustomer.Memo = "this is the memo property update for cosmoCustomer" ;
cosmoCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
// convert to json string
  var jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromListWinbooksOBjectToJson(lstCustomer, false );

And this is the result we'll include in the body content of request 

   "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "TotalLevel": 1,
   "Version": 0,
   "Modified": null,
   "ModifiedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
   "Created": null,
   "CreatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
   "Code": "COSMOSHOP",
   "VatApplicable": 1,
   "LastReminderLevel": 0,
   "LastReminderDate": null,
   "DiscountRate": 0,
   "GlobalDiscountRate": 0,
   "IsPartialDelivery": false,
   "IsPartialDeliveryClosed": false,
   "IsGroupOrderAllowed": false,
   "IsGroupOrderDifferentAgent": false,
   "IsGroupOrderDifferentReference": false,
   "IsGroupDeliveryAllowed": false,
   "IsGroupDeliveryDifferentAgent": false,
   "IsGroupDeliveryDifferentAddress": false,
   "IsGroupDeliveryDifferentReference": false,
   "IsReminderBlocked": false,
   "IsLocked": false,
   "IsHidden": false,
   "MemoType": 1,
   "Memo": "this is the memo property update for cosmoCustomer",
   "DiscountRate2": null,
   "CachedCollection": {},
   "IsBinding": false,
   "IsSetIdByUser": false,
   "Localized": {},
   "Custom": null,
   "UpdatedCollection": {},
   "UpdatedProperties": [
   "UpdatedValues": [
     "this is the memo property update for cosmoCustomer",

If the request is successful, the result will be as below with status code 200

"href" :"

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

cosmoCustomer.Memo = "this is the memo property update for cosmoCustomer" ;
cosmoCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
folderRESTAPIDEMO.UpdateByCode<Customer>(cosmoCustomer, 1);

D. Update List of Objects

This function is used for updating list of objects in API

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }
Method : POST
Header :
   Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
   Content-Type : application/json
Body Content: { list of object need to be inserted in json format}

In .NET & C#, client could use WinbooksConverter to create the body content

//lstCustomerBE is the result list customer from request 'Get By Criteria'
//now we modify and send back to API
foreach (var customer in lstCustomerBE)
     customer.Third.WebSite = "www." + customer.Third.Code.ToLower().Trim( ' ' ) + ".com" ;
//convert to jsonstring
var jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromListWinbooksOBjectToJson(lstCustomerBE, false );

if the request is successful, the result will be as below with status code 200

   "Method": "InsertOrUpdateList",
   "ObjectType": "Customer",
   "NumberOfSuccess": 3,
   "NumberOfFail": 0,
   "ListObjectFail": [],
   "ListUrlSuccess": [",
   "ReasonFail": []

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

foreach (var customer in lstCustomerBE)
     customer.Third.WebSite = "www." + customer.Third.Code.ToLower().Trim( ' ' ) + ".com" ;
folderPARFIWEB.UpdateCollection(lstCustomerBE, 2);

3. Delete Data

We have 5 ways for deleting data in API :

A. Delete By Single Code

This function is used to delete a single object by giving its code.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OM } / { Code } / Folder/ { FolderCode } 
Method : DELETE
Header :
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}

If the object is deleted successfully, a response with success status 200 code will be returned

The example below will delete  a customer with code " VLADIMIR " in folder " PARFIWEB_DEMO "


Method :  DELETE


                Authorization : Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St ....

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services 

Delete Customer By Code

EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARFIWEB_DEMO" );
folderRESTAPIDEMO.DeleteByCode<Customer>( "VLADIMIR" );

B. Delete By ID

a. Using HTTP

The same as Delete By Single Code, just replay Code by ID

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services 

Delete by Id

folderPARFIWEB.DeleteById<Customer>( "79A2E56E-2BE7-4216-BA75-9F9400FB45BD" );

C. Delete By List of Codes

This function is used to delete a list of objects by giving a list of codes.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode } ? code = {list of code seperate by ',' }
Method : DELETE
Header :
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
    Accept : application/json { this will return the result in json format}

If the object is deleted successfully, a response with success status 200 code will be returned and contains the list of objects deleted successfully and failed

The example below will delete a list of customer with code "VLADIMIR,TITAN,JIMMY,JORDAN,SPARKLES" in folder "PARFIWEB_DEMO"


Method :  DELETE

Header : 

               Authorization : Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St ....

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services 

object[] arrayCustomerCode = new string[] { "ADAM" "MIRANDA" "Jordin" "SPARKS" };
  ICriteria filterDelete = new CustomerDAO().CreateCriteria();
  filterDelete.Add(Condition.In(Customer.Names.Code, arrayCustomerCode));

D. Delete By Criteria

This function is used to delete a list of objects by giving a condition. 

a. Using HTTP

URL :{ REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }/DeleteByCriteria
Method : POST
Header :
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
Content : application/json
Accept : application/json
Body content : {Criteria in json format}

** for getting criteria in json format, please take a look at function "Get By Criteria"

The example below will delete all Customers whose country code is "GB "


Method  : POST

Header :

        Authorization Bearer gAAAAEg9vKjrggECqOrp6bekZ0KO6_86-URgC5D1xYxXqexQyaOu_St ....

        Content application/json

        Accept application/json

 Body content : {"Alias":"this","Association":{"t":{"OwnerAlias":null,"AliasName":"t","Type":"Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","JoinType":1,"Properties":    ["Id","Third_Id"],"Condition":null},"c":{"OwnerAlias":null,"AliasName":"c","Type":"Winbooks.TORM.OM.Country, Winbooks.TORM.OM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","JoinType":1,"Properties":    ["Id","t.VatCountry_Id"],"Condition":null}},"Conditions":[{"Operator":0,"PropertyName":"c.Code","OtherPropertyName":"","Values":["GB"]}],"ProjectionsList":[],"Orders":{},"Params":{},"FirstResult":-1,"MaxResult":-1}

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Delete By Criteria

// DELETE BY CRITERIA           
ICriteria criteria = new CustomerDAO().CreateCriteria();
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsLocked, false ));
criteria.Add(Condition.Eq(Customer.Names.IsHidden, false ));
EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARIWEBDEMO" );

E. Delete All Data Objects 

This function is used to clear all data objects.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }
Method : DELETE
Header : 
    Authorization : Bearer { access_token}
    Accept : application/json

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Service  

Delete All Customer

EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARIWEB_DEMO" );
