To Insert and Update data we have 2 ways

* Standard json format: is available for all client, especially client not using our support library like Apis - light and easy to use
**Non-standard json format: is still in json format but have some additional special properties processed by our DAL or OM, this json is usually generated by our lib : Winbooks.Serializer . Suitable for client using our DAL and OM dll to perform complicated task

A. Insert Single Object

This function is used for inserting single data object in API

a. Using HTTP

URL: { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OM } / { Code } / Folder/ { FolderCode } 
Method : POST
Header : 
    Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
    Content-Type : application/json
Body content : {object in json format}


In .NET, for making body content, client could use WinbooksConverter 
Serialize by WinbooksConverter

// insert Customer
Customer newCustomer = new Customer();
newCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
newCustomer.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Memo = "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third = new Third();
newCustomer.Third.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Third.Name = "Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third.WebSite = "" ;
string jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromWinbooksObjectToJson(newCustomer, false );

And this is the result we'll include in the body content of request ,
non-standard json format

   "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "$isShowId": false,
   "TotalLevel": 2,
   "Code": "ALICE",
   "Version": 0,
   "Localized": {},
   "Third": {
     "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
     "TotalLevel": 1,
     "UpdatedProperties": [
     "UpdatedValues": [
       "Alice Wilder",
   "UpdatedTypes": [],
   "UpdatedProperties": [
   "UpdatedValues": [
     "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder",

or if client not using our serializer , we could make it more simple 
standard json

  "Code": "ALICE",
  "Memo": "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder",
         "Name":"Alice Wilder",

**Note : For standard json in single object,  json string could contain Id/code of object . If not contains, we will get id/code from url

             With multiple objects, each json member in json array must have id/code

If the request is successful, the result will be as below with status code 201.


b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Customer newCustomer = new Customer();
newCustomer.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
newCustomer.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Memo = "this memo is for customer Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third = new Third();
newCustomer.Third.Code = "ALICE" ;
newCustomer.Third.Name = "Alice Wilder" ;
newCustomer.Third.WebSite = "" ;
bool isInsertSuccess = folderPARFIWEB.Insert<Customer>(newCustomer, 2 );

B. Insert List of Objects

This function is used to Insert or Update a list of objects.

a. Using HTTP

URL : { REST API Host } / app / { Winbooks OMS } / Folder / { FolderCode }
Method : POST
Header :
   Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
   Content-Type : application/json
Body Content: { list of object need to be inserted in json format}

In .NET & C#, client could use WinbooksConverter to create the body content
Convert list of Winbooks objects to JSON

    foreach (var customerName in customerNames)
     Customer cust = new Customer();
     cust.Code = customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToUpper();
     cust.MemoType = MemoType.Green;
     cust.Memo = "this is the memo of " + customerName;
     cust.Third = new Third();
     cust.Third.Name = customerName;
     cust.Third.Code = customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToUpper();
     cust.Third.WebSite = "www." + customerName.Trim( ' ' ).ToLower();
     // convert to json string
     var jsonString = WinbooksConverter.FromListWinbooksOBjectToJson(lstCustomer, false );

If client not using our converter, standard json string will be like this
Standard json with multiple object

         "Memo":"this is the memo of cosmoshop",
                 "Name":"Cosmopolitan shop",
         "Memo":"this is the memo of melodie",
                 "Name":"Melodie shop",

**Note :With multiple objects, each json member in json array must have id/code

b. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services

Insert list Of Customers

for ( int i = 0; i < arrayStrings.Count(); i++)
     Customer cust = new Customer();
     cust.Code = arrayStrings[i];
     cust.IsGroupDeliveryAllowed = true ;
     cust.IsHidden = false ;
     cust.IsLocked = false ;
     cust.Third = new Third();
     cust.Third.Code = arrayStrings[i];
     cust.Third.Addresses = new List<Address>();
// Insert List of Customer
EntitiesServices folderRESTAPIDEMO = new EntitiesServices(userCredential, "PARIWEB_DEMO" );