Usage and lifetime of Tokens

You must keep the exchange token and the refresh token secret and secure. They are the keys to access all resources.

Access Token and Refresh Token from Exchange Token

Every request to the API needs to provide an access token.

There are 2 ways to manage the access token:

  1. Follow the workflow of OAuth 20 we describe below
  2. Use our support library (.NET & C#) with the example of code after

1. OAuth 2.0 flow for getting access token

In order to get the access token, we make a POST request with below parameters:



Content Form:

After the request is verified, Rest API will send a response to client. Status code (200) Success will have the content in json string like below:


access_token: "gAAAAAA5-ybbpTLnRm6Resegac4n1er3Kydv4plMN_UStrP6_r8lt1k6DMS7v5imwMgBf4cHUEqg46vz0Hgv1zOhgUAa3Av4Xi4NeFeKag2U8jkCaOwqA7GL-vNyd755pA9G4mTI5d49T_HThz8tLFG3YpI-OGzyZMYNelVmD4opfIFSJAEAAIAAAAAi33OFlXo_ovjGJEw018Mck5e9QDcvjpAU6FDh18vMJn_3zzB2-H8OOY3kRHW1YUijbs7jHhkN1Ov_ZvjZnn7_vgo8z91_Ye2Kg-b1sOJ1ccntBnBVAI97R6py85jhL28F5GrrJH4qhC0IVj36NAeCxIwvtaNT-ZgSLWKe3xTQYDJTwI3UYNL3_qdBHT3aRUbwBjWTaX1lfQCfQ5-6EY38X3oLgkAo0S_N_4Wrn8zL185vHS7yed6qWtGcoTC58OKR22q0sncpfr82U5PGNZCR4y2bPPAxKMeTBR8Nq39wtw6YvRq2X_gwbys42hchzF8KsNH2wRk6z5E16kc2i-CudxsFHM3OkmZHaEfc-0bRUmMY4zkSF_2_QJTD53et_Bs"
scope: null
token_type: "bearer"
expires_in: "900"
refresh_token: "TGe0!IAAAAE8fYMG6jWY0rbV5Kwz4ApGmYenMyg-cEGCxBiKEH0NJwQAAAAHAat8cqFEyBOcA9X50LY5eXtDqSgShk9NYxpfQWYapnAJzZ6n8RtlAf34sbHCO3vFJnny6y96MsPJcttCudXY9_IIn3zappOYRfePAQmOJUuOvgCj50RKo6CsxjJ5ymo49HsCWXy7aQqL1wXbEDjlF-gZmCZuQcgw8cjlFMR0NtvzOAVim49-S5fB88fH1TSx9L4s_mZs0qWq9JHcPYiUnbswaz__gfHYb-3Nl0SlWJA-2-KEgww-b_k8jmVEWAQk"

2. Using Winbooks.Apis.Services for getting access token

To make it easier, we provide a library called  Winbooks.Apis.Services to handle all workflows.


All management of the access token, refresh token and exchange token is handled by the library. You just need to provide 3 parameters:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Winbooks.Apis.Services;
namespace Winbooks.Apis.Demo
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            UserCredential userCredential = new UserCredential(""
            if (userCredential.Authentication())
                string refreshToken = userCredential.RefreshToken;
                string accessToken = userCredential.AccessToken;


See the document on the Winbooks.Apis.Services for some examples of usage.