WinBooks on Web allows you to import logistics documents of any type (sales or purchase quotations, orders, delivery notes, invoices & CN).

The field names in red can also be used for compatibility reason with Logistics Classic (Windows version).

Field name

Logistics Classic

      Header fields 


jnlC10 YesCode of the invoicing journal (Logistics)."INVCUST"



Document number.




True (T) if the number must be renumbered (continuing the numbering of the journal in the logistics package). 
False (F) if your application manages the numbering (which is the fact for the invoices and the credit notes).

If Wow has to renumber your documents, start your numbering to 1 and Wow will add the last number of the journal to your numbers.

The default value is F.

DatedateD10 YesDocument date (YYYY/MM/DD).2016/04/30


thirdgroupC10 YesCustomer or supplier code."BEBOP"
ThirdReferenceyourrefC256  Reference for the third party"Order 16053"
ThirdReference2 C256  For Vietnamese legislation only.
Reference for the third party translated in the second language of the folder. 
ThirdComment C2048  Comment for the third party. It could be printed on the layout of the document.
(field ThirdPartyComment) 
Reference C256  For Vietnamese legislation only.
Field use to save the invoicing book serial number. 

Currency code.
If not provided, the currency will be the one of the folder.


Rate of the currency. The amount of the document / this currency rate = the amount in the folder currency.
For example, the folder currency is EUR, the document currency is USD, the rate will be  1.14 (1 EUR = 1.14 USD).

CurrencyRate2 N2818 Rate of the alternative currency.
Only if the folder manages an alternative currency. 
PayCode C10  Payment terms. For example "30 days end of month".
If not provided, the payment terms will be 1) the payment terms of the third party, 2) the settings of the folder.

Due date for payment (YYYY/MM/DD).
If not provided, the due date will be computed for an invoice based on 1) the payment terms provided in the CSV, 2) the payment terms of the third party, 3) the settings of the folder, 4) the same as the Date.

PayMode C10  Mode of payment like Cash, Bank transfer, ..."CASH"
DeliveryTerm C10  Dilevery terms like CIF, FOB, EXW, ...
It's required for the intrastat statement. 
DeliveryDateFromdlvdate1D10  Date from which the delivery will start2016/05/15
DeliveryDateTodlvdate2D10  Date at which the delivery should be finished2016/05/21
BookPeriodRelatedYear N4 invoiceCalendar year corresponding to the book period
This field is required for invoice or credit note 
BookPeriodRelatedMonth N2 invoiceMonth corresponding to the book period (1 = January, ..., 12 = December)
This field is required for invoice or credit note  
AgentCode C10  Code of the agent (salesman)"JOHN"
Warehouse C10  This field can be filled only for JournalLog.Type = "STK.TRF" (stock transfer).
It's the warehouse from where the goods are transferred. 
Warehouse2 C10  

This field can be filled only for JournalLog.Type = "STK.TRF" (stock transfer).
It's the warehouse where the goods are transferred to.  

GlobalDiscountRate L1  Percentage of the global discount.
Global discount has to be activated in the settings of the invoicing 
IsVatIncluded L1  Is the unit price VAT included
If not specified, this field comes from JournalLog.IsVatIncluded 
ConditionalDiscountRate N52 Percentage of the discount for a quick payment 
ConditionalDiscountDueDate D10  Due date for the quick payment 
ConditionalDiscountCurrencyAmount N122 Amount of the discount in the currency of the document for a quick payment
(ConditionalDiscountAmount and ConditionalDiscountAmount2 are computed)
SubscriptionIndexInitial N122 Only if JournalLog.Subscription = true
Index of the cost of life at the date of the start of subscription 
SubscriptionDateNext D10  Date of the next generation for the subscription 
SubscriptionDateEnd D10  Last date of the subscription 
IsClosed L1  Is the document closed? It means that the document does not need any action more.F
IntrastatTransaction N1  Transaction type for intrastat statement. Value between 1 and 91
IntrastatRegion N1  For Belgium only:
1 - Flemish region
2 - Walloon region
3 - Brussels region 
IntrastatTransport N1  Transport used to move the goods. Value between 1 and 9 except 6.
For example, 3 = Road 
InvoicingAddressName * C256  Name of the company at this address
The fields marked with a * in the name are key fields to identify an existing address. If none is found for the third party, a new address is created. 
Other fields are updated. 
InvoicingAddressAddress1 * C256  Street 
InvoicingAddressAddress2 * C256  Street 2 
InvoicingAddressNumber * C50  Number in the street 
InvoicingAddressBox C50  box number if any 
InvoicingAddressCountryCode * C3  ISO 2 country code ("BE", "FR", "UK", ...) 
InvoicingAddressZip * C50  Zip code 
InvoicingAddressTown * C256  Name of the Town/City 
InvoicingAddressPhoneNo C50  Phone number 
InvoicingAddressFaxNo C50  Fax number 
DeliveringAddressXxxxxxxxx     Xxxxxxxx are the same fields as for InvoicingAddress 
ContactTitle * C50  

Contact for the document (if the option is activated).
The fields marked with a * in the name are key fields to identify an existing contact. If none is found for the third party, a new contact is created. 
Other fields are updated. 

ContactFirstName * C100    
ContactMiddleName * C100    
ContactLastName * C100    
ContactSalutation * C100    
ContactLanguageCode C2    
ContactMobilePhoneNumber C1022    
ContactBusinessPhoneNumber C1022    
ContactBusinessEmailAddress C1022    
ContactSkypeIMAddress C1022    
ToOutput L1  Does the system has to generate the PDF? 
ToSendByEmail L1  ToOutput has to be at true (T) to be able to activate this option.
Does the system has to send the PDF by email?
      Detail fields 
ItemCodeartidC20 Yes  