Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Posting a new Document

First, we have to retrieve the Id of the address. This can be done by 2 ways.
If we manage the contact person in the document, we should also retrieve the Id of the contact.

Load the third BEBOP

GET {{url}}/app/Third/BEBOP/Folder/{{folder}}?MaxLevel=2


This request generates several SQL queries to fetch all the sub-entities (MaxLevel=2 to get the DefaultAddress), and we don't need most of the sub-entities.

Make a query

It's really more efficient to use queries and especially queries with projection to get just what we need. This can be done with the /ExecuteCriteria suffixe.


The body of the request contains the criteria corresponding to this query in .NET:

ICriteria criteria = new AddressDAO().CreateCriteria()
   .CreateAlias("third"typeof(Third), Third.Names.Id, Address.Names.Third_Id)
   .Add(Condition.Eq("third." + Third.Names.Code, "BEBOP"))
   .Add(Condition.Eq(Address.Names.IsInvoicingDefault, true))
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray addressid = _folder.GetFilterAll(criteria.JsonCriteriaSerialize(), "Address");

Body for the ExecuteCriteria in JSON: 



Post the DocumentHeader (using the friendly code properties)

POST {{url}}/app/DocumentHeader/Folder/{{folder}}


    "Href": ""

Post the DocumentHeader (using the Id's)

It is more efficient to specify the Id's of the related entities, especially when we post several documents using the same journal or customer or items or vat or currency.

First, we have to retrieve the Id's:



GET {{url}}/app/Vat/21/Folder/{{folder}}d939ccde-90ec-45bb-97fe-a74d006cd718
GET {{url}}/app/Item/WHEEL/Folder/{{folder}}9976a7a9-f27b-4d5d-a414-a8a300c385ad
GET {{url}}/app/Item/FRAME/Folder/{{folder}}41ec5756-f160-4d4f-909c-a8a300c3caea
GET {{url}}/app/JournalLog/ORDER/Folder/{{folder}}1104bd81-fac3-498d-bdb1-a74d006d9096
GET {{url}}/app/Customer/BEBOP/Folder/{{folder}}f5e92880-31c0-43af-9348-a85d0117d78b
GET {{url}}/app/Currency/EUR/Folder/{{folder}}8d70e1d6-57cf-4bc1-8402-a74d006cd472
GET {{url}}/app/PayCode/7/Folder/{{folder}}48a7b7ab-0f1b-4420-af2e-a74d006cd9a8

Or really more efficiently via the ExecuteCriteria:



POST {{url}}/app/VatAccounts/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Accounting.VatAccount, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["21"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/Items/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Logistics.Item, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["WHEEL"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/Items/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Logistics.Item, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["FRAME"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }
POST {{url}}/app/JournalLogs/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Logistics.JournalLog, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["ORDER"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/Customers/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["BEBOP"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/Currencys/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Currency, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["EUR"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/PayCodes/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

{ "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Accounting.PayCode, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
"Conditions": [ {"Operator": 0, "PropertyName": "Code", "Values": ["7"] } ],
"ProjectionsList": [ {"PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": 22} ],
"MaxResult": 1 }

POST {{url}}/app/DocumentHeader/Folder/{{folder}}
