Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


POST {{url}}/app/Customer/TEST/Folder/{{folder}}

The body of the request until for version <= 2.4 of WinBooks on Web will be like this:

Code Block
   "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "TotalLevel": 4,
   "Code": "TEST",
   "VatApplicable": 1,
   "IsLocked": false,
   "IsHidden": false,
   "MemoType": 0,
   "Third": {
      "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
      "TotalLevel": 3,
      "Code": "TEST",
      "Name": "The Test Company",
      "VatNumber": "0000000196",
      "WebSite": "",
      "Addresses": [
            "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
            "TotalLevel": 2,
            "Index": 0,
            "Address1": "Vuchtlaan 78",
            "Address2": "",
            "Town": "Antwerpen",
            "Zip": "2000",
            "Name": "",
            "Number": "",
            "Box": "",
            "PhoneNo": "+3233215476",
            "FaxNo": "",
            "MemoType": 0,
            "Memo": "",
            "IsDelivering": true,
            "IsDeliveringDefault": true,
            "IsPosting": true,
            "IsPostingDefault": true,
            "IsInvoicing": true,
            "IsInvoicingDefault": true,
            "CountryCode": "BE"
      "CivilityCode": "NV",
      "VatCountryCode": "BE",
      "LanguageCode": "en",
      "CurrencyCode": "EUR"
   "VatCode": "21",
   "CategoryCode": "EU",
   "GLAccountDefaultCode": "700000",
   "GLAccountCentralCode": "400000",
   "PayCodeCode": "30"

The body from for version >= 2.5 of WinBooks On Web looks like this:


To post the customer, the body will be this one ( for version <= 2.4):

Code Block
   "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "TotalLevel": 3,
   "Vat_Id": "d939ccde-90ec-45bb-97fe-a74d006cd718",
   "CustomerCategory_Id": "c3613c92-d081-4a94-a245-a8b3005d2391",
   "GLAccount_Id": "c61c5554-0803-4286-9315-a74d006cd5aa",
   "GLAccount2_Id": "023a99d0-f1e5-45c8-b902-a74d006cd5a8",
   "PayCode_Id": "bee3ad14-c3b0-4284-80e7-a74d006cd9a8",
   "Code": "TEST2",
   "VatApplicable": 1,
   "IsLocked": false,
   "IsHidden": false,
   "MemoType": 0,
   "Third": {
      "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
      "TotalLevel": 2,
      "ThirdCivility_Id": "9bc5b8f4-3682-46c6-ac84-a74d006cd9ad",
      "VatCountry_Id": "4bb898f0-21ba-4ea9-9c35-a74d006cd473",
      "Language_Id": "4b2d0fa7-ecf7-4883-9e04-a89d00bcd216",
      "Currency_Id": "8d70e1d6-57cf-4bc1-8402-a74d006cd472",
      "Code": "TEST2",
      "Name": "The Test Company 2",
      "VatNumber": "0000000295",
      "WebSite": "",
      "Addresses": [
            "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
            "TotalLevel": 1,
            "Country_Id": "4bb898f0-21ba-4ea9-9c35-a74d006cd473",
            "Index": 0,
            "Address1": "Vuchtlaan 79",
            "Address2": "",
            "Town": "Antwerpen",
            "Zip": "2000",
            "Name": "",
            "Number": "",
            "Box": "",
            "PhoneNo": "+3233215476",
            "FaxNo": "",
            "MemoType": 0,
            "Memo": "",
            "IsDelivering": true,
            "IsDeliveringDefault": true,
            "IsPosting": true,
            "IsPostingDefault": true,
            "IsInvoicing": true,
            "IsInvoicingDefault": true

And this one for the version >= 2.5:

Code Block
    "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Customer, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
	"TotalLevel": 4,
    "Code": "WB5",
    "Vat_Id": "1d625e47-4871-450b-91c8-9f9400b4ca36",
    "GLAccount_Id": "5633a32d-c312-4e19-9e6b-9f9400b4c691",
    "GLAccount2_Id": "d2647e20-8267-4703-90c0-9f9400b4c67a",
    "PayCode_Id": "f6a39f52-a79d-4758-933a-9f9400b4d059",
    "VatApplicable": 1,
    "Code": "WB5",
    "Third": {
        "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
    	"TotalLevel": 3,
        "Code": "WB5",
        "ThirdCivility_Id": "5f4964b8-00f2-464f-a01d-9f9400b4d0ce",
        "VatCountry_Id": "8f8a337e-b483-4c30-b6ed-9f9400b4c553",
        "Language_Id": "5dc36906-5d31-4ff9-b20c-9f9400b4c5df",
        "Currency_Id": "2b790e84-f9f5-4ff6-b775-9f9400b4c54e",
        "Name": "Customer WB5",
        "VatNumber": "0000000394",
        "Code": "WB5",
        "Addresses": [
                "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third_Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
				"TotalLevel": 2,
                "IsDelivering": true,
                "IsDeliveringDefault": true,
                "IsPosting": true,
                "IsPostingDefault": true,
                "IsInvoicing": true,
                "IsInvoicingDefault": true,
                "Index": 0,
                "Address": {
                    "$type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
					"TotalLevel": 1,
                    "Country_Id": "8f8a337e-b483-4c30-b6ed-9f9400b4c553",
                    "Address1": "330 Lemonierlaan (WB5)",
                    "Town": "Antwerpen",
                    "Zip": "2000",
                    "PhoneNo": "+3223456789"


You can update the Customer and the Third by the same way you create them but you have to remove the address else it will create a new address. The address has to be updated separately.

POST PUT {{url}}/app/Customer/TEST2/Folder/{{folder}}


Update the Address

Find the Address Id

First, we have to retrieve the Id of the Address of the Third TEST2.

For version <= 2.4 of WinBooks on Web

This is the .NET query to do that (with the Winbooks.Apis.Service.dll):

            ICriteria criteria = new AddressDAO().CreateCriteria()
                .CreateAlias("third", typeof(Third), Third.Names.Id, Address.Names.Third_Id)
                .Add(Condition.Eq("third." + Third.Names.Code, "BEBOP"))
                .Add(Condition.Eq(Address.Names.IsInvoicingDefault, true))
            NewtonsoftNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray addressid = _folder.GetFilterAll(criteria.JsonCriteriaSerialize(), "Address");
if (addressid == null)
Tools.Log(" no address for BEBOP");
Tools.Log(" address_id = " + addressid[0].ToString());

The corresponding http request is this one:

POST {{url}}/app/Addresss/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

with the following JSON body:

Code Block
   "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
   "Alias": "this",
   "Association": {
      "third": {
         "AliasName": "third",
         "Type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
         "JoinType": 1,
         "LeftProperty": "Id",
         "RightProperty": "Third_Id"
   "Conditions": [
         "Operator": 0,
         "PropertyName": "third.Code",
         "OtherPropertyName": "",
         "Values": [


   "ProjectionsList": [
         "PropertyName": "Id",
         "Operator": 22

For version >= 2.5 of WinBooks on Web

This is the .NET query to do that (with the Winbooks.Apis.Service.dll):

ICriteria criteria = new Third_AddressDAO().CreateCriteria()
.CreateAlias("address", typeof(Address), Address.Names.Id, Third_Address.Names.Address_Id)
.CreateAlias("third", typeof(Third), Third.Names.Id, Third_Address.Names.Third_Id)
.Add(Condition.Eq("third." + Third.Names.Code, "BEBOP"))
.Add(Condition.Eq(Third_Address.Names.IsInvoicingDefault, true))
.SetProjection(Projections.Property("address." + Address.Names.Id));
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray addressid = _folder.GetFilterAll(criteria.JsonCriteriaSerialize(), "Third_Address");
if (addressid == null)
Tools.Log(" no address for BEBOP");
Tools.Log(" address_id = " + addressid[0].ToString());

The corresponding http request is this one:

POST {{url}}/app/Third_Addresss/Folder/{{folder}}/ExecuteCriteria

with the following JSON body:

Code Block
    "EntityType": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third_Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
    "IsCustomization": false,
    "Alias": "this",
    "Association": {
        "address": {
            "AliasName": "address",
            "Type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Address, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
            "JoinType": 1,
            "LeftProperty": "Id",
            "RightProperty": "Address_Id"
        "third": {
            "AliasName": "third",
            "Type": "Winbooks.TORM.OM.Third, Winbooks.TORM.OM",
            "JoinType": 1,
            "LeftProperty": "Id",
            "RightProperty": "Third_Id"
    "Conditions": [
            "Operator": 0,
            "PropertyName": "third.Code",
            "OtherPropertyName": "",
            "Values": [
            "Operator": 0,
            "PropertyName": "IsInvoicingDefault",
            "OtherPropertyName": "",
            "Values": [
   "Havings": [],
    "ProjectionsList": [
            "PropertyName": "address.Id",
            "Operator": 22
    "Orders": [],
    "Params": {},
    "FirstResult": -1,
    "MaxResult": -1,
    "ResultState": 0,
    "TimeOutSeconds": 0

The result is an array of Id's:

