• Log into your folder, the credentials used should be at least License Admin to give access to the Data.

  • Go to Control Panel / Company / External applications

  • Open the "External applications" form. Click on "Add" to open the "Add an external application" form.

  • Click on "Add" to add an access. Click on "Add & Send" to add and send an access to the end user.
    • To test development or use with Postman, we suggest that you activate the option Trusted application.
    • Expiration Date is not mandatory and needed.
    • The Email set in this form is the one to use for the API Connection.
  • You will see the history of granted access.

  • After the user is granted an access, he will receive an email. This email provides him the location of the Winbooks API and the Exchange Token.
    This Exchange Token allows him to access all the folders in your licence based on the user's rights that you granted to him.

You must keep the Exchange Token in secret. It's the key to access all the resources.

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